Just Like Goober

A working suburban mom, a curious baby boy, and a whole lotta life

Week 6 March 30, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Merrsidotes @ 12:00 pm
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Week 6 was bad. I was bad. I shouldn’t say “bad” but I definitely have been going down hill. Getting lazy, falling back into bad habits. And it’s showing. I gained this week. Not a lot, but the fact that I gained at all is a big problem for someone who is trying to LOSE weight. It’s not like I’m almost there and this is a plateau- I have a LOT more to lose and this is only Week 6 and this is my own laziness getting in my way. This is how I got to where I am. This week I really fell off the tracking wagon. I think that is such a huge part of it for me. My brain tends to minimize what I’ve consumed; selective memory. This leads me to feeling like I can eat more than I really can. I know tracking is a pain (hence the main reason I fell off it), but it has to happen. I have to make it a priority. Write down the food before I even put it my mouth. Check the points before I decide if I’m eating it or not. Vigilance!

Week 6 starting weight: 217.8

Week 6 ending weight: 218.6

Week 6 progress: Up 0.8 pounds 😦

Overall progress: Down 15.7 pounds!

Conclusion: Time to find that excitement that I had going into this. Gotta get back to using the Weight Watchers tools and recipes and information. I mean, that’s why I’m paying for it, isn’t it?  Get back to eating more “clean” foods: Nothing out of a box, lots of fruits and veggies, yogurts, and making my own food. STOP eating out and eating convenience foods. I WILL DO THIS DAMN IT!


One Response to “Week 6”

  1. Momma Says:

    Your numbers looked like you dropped .2, unless I’m reading it wrong. Don’t beat yourself up, we all do it. Just start again. You are stronger than you think! Love you!

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